telegraph.co.uk: An attractive Colombian woman was pursuing him over the internet, smitten by his wealth and power and keen to travel to Cuba to meet the man of her dreams. Over eight months their romance blossomed online, each subsequent exchange in chat rooms or via email becoming more passionate and sexually charged.
But like so many relationships forged in cyberspace, all was not as it seemed.
This guy must be a noob. If he had spent any time over at Encyclopedia Dramatica, he would already know two important facts about the internet.
• there's no girls on the internet
• it's a trap
While everyday Cubans were banned from using the internet cafés in Havana hotels, this guy had a BlackBerry and unlimited access to the web," Dominguez told the Miami Herald newspaper, which ran transcripts of 'Claudia' and Castro's chat room conversations in its Saturday editions.

Mr Dominguez, who was born in Cuba, says he organized the sting to expose the hypocrisy of a country that lavishes luxuries on its leaders while repressing its own public.
Mr Dominguez said he invented the virtual persona of Claudia, a 26-year-old sports journalist with dark hair and blonde highlights, after studying photographs of Castro's former girlfriends.
Apparently, he has never heard of Chris Hansen from Dateline, either. lol.
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