The company said it hoped the service, which it rushed because of the turmoil in Iran, would be used by people inside and outside of that country to communicate and stay abreast of events. The service is available at translate.google.com.
“There is a huge amount of interest about the events in Iran,” said Franz Och, principal scientist at Google, who has been leading the development of Google Translate. “We hope that this tool will improve access to information in Iran and outside,” Mr. Och said in an interview.

This will certainly take a load off iWWP's translation section that was run by volunteers. But you can still request/pick up translated (sub-titled, not voice-over) YouTube videos. Anonymous-Iran still has it's server problems today, disappearing at times, but recovering much more quickly than yesterday.

Gates recalled the role that the Internet played in penetrating the old Iron Curtain, helping the Soviet Union to crumble and liberating Eastern Europe from Communist domination. And Gates noted, with apparent pleasure, that some unnamed countries around the world (can you say Iran and China?) can try to block these evolving communications but can no longer shut them all down.
Gates admitted he hasn't "a clue." Mullen says he's on Facebook and Twitter to be connected to the younger volunteer armed forces. Video below provided by C-SPAN.

Oh, and what's Scientology doing during all this freedom upheaval going on around the globe? Using their OT super-powers to quell the conflict in Iran? Nope. Lending their language translation skills that they are known for boasting of. Nope.
I guess they just haven't figured out how to make a buck out of this situation yet, because alls they're promoting is their new video website that contains Meet a Scientologist propaganda.
Maybe Tom Cruise hasn't seen the picture of this accident. Because we all know, now, that Tom is the only one that can help.
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