Friday, May 14, 2010

Xenophon's Win Kick-Starts "Operation Sheila" [video]

aussie anons After yesterday's announcement of Senator Xenophon's legislation on the need for charities and religious organizations to meet a Public Benefit Test before receiving tax exempt status, it didn't take Anonymous long at all to kick-start an information project to aid in Xenophon's quest.

"Operation Sheila", just forming as of this printing, shows once again how fast and what a leaderless group can accomplish in such short notice via the internet these days.

Here's a sneak-peek at the trailer:

Operation Sheila

  1. Purpose: The purpose of Operation Sheila shall be to influence the upcoming inquiry in a favorable manner and thus ultimately end the tax exempt status of the so-called "Church of Scientology" in Australia and the United Kingdom.

  2. Means: As this is a political operation, political measures apply. This is threefold:

    1. Contribute favorable information. Collect and organize information on disconnection, child labor, RPF, financial exploitation, abuse, long hours, bad staff,sea org conditions and pay.
      Focus, but do not restrict info on Australia and New Zealand. Put overview infomation in EASILY READABLE printed form, have single cases listed on dedicated website.

    2. Anticipate counterinformation (disinformation) and prepare counter-counterinformation to be readily available when the opposite side enters it into the discussion.
      It is likely that the "Church of Scientology" will outline NARCONON, CRIMINON, CCHR, applied scholastics and personal success stories of celebrities and public scientologists as their positive contribution to society. Form a task-force for each respective field to gather and organize debunking information.

    3. Lobbying. Anonymous does not have financial resources for binding lobbyism, so lobbying must take form in positive feedback. Have a support rally commence in front of House of Parliament on the day the inquiry opens. Repeat monthly. Support mails to all members of the commission are a must, extend support to their constituency offices.

  3. Start: Immediate, May 2010

  4. End: August 2010

  5. Resources: WWP sub-forum (yet to be formed), ex-scientologists, ozfags, anony-geeks (for website), donations (for printing)
We are Anonymous.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

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