Showing posts with label comedy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comedy. Show all posts

Monday, October 4, 2010

A Peek Inside Jon Stewart's 'Earth (The Book)'

Earth to LRon, come in LRon
Jon Stewart's 'Earth; (The Book) A Visitor's Guide to the Human Race.'
WWP ~ Reported a few days ago over at WhyWeProtest, there seem to be some lulzy excerpts contained in Jon Stewart's 'Earth; (The Book) A Visitor's Guide to the Human Race regarding L.Ron Hubbard's way-out-there religion, Scientology.

To bad they didn't have a Daily Show back when Scientology was conceived. I guess the closest thing to it at the time was The Today Show (1952), but in name only, lol.

Below are some of the honorable mentions:
You from Jersey? I'm from Jersey. What exit?
new jersey turnpike"...Like many religions, The Church of Scientology was incorporated in New Jersey in 1953.

Its highest-level practitioners learned that Earth's problems began when Xenu, evil ruler of the Galactic Confederacy, brought billions of humans to earth 75 millions years ago and killed them with hydrogen bombs.

This information was kept hidden from non-Scientologists, as learning it before years of costly preparation could induce involuntary physical responses, including but not limited to laughter, eye-rolling, and exclamations of "Are you serious!?"
Lovely Rita, Meter Maid
scientology stress test
Also reported, the following photographs with labeling attached:

e-meter: 'Through judicious use of the E-Meter, Scientology auditors were able to remove countless Thetans ("dollars") from followers.'

And a picture of a mock personality test involving such questions as:
• 'How much money do you make?' • 'Where do you keep it?' • 'Do you know any celebrities?' • 'Do you know any gay celebrities?' • 'Quick -- what's your pin number?'
You've Got Mail DNA
trementina base
And at the beginning of the book, where it discusses places to send DNA samples for future reconstitution by alien lifeforms, those with names starting from A-L are told to send theirs [plus the form] to the Svalbard Seed Vault.

But those with M-Z names (how lucky for Miscavige, but too bad for Cruise) are told to ship them to Scientolgy's desert stronghold, Trementina Base.
Trementina Base
37 Ultra-Secret But Totally Real Scientology Mountain Base Avenue
Trementina, NM 88349
Attention: David Miscavige, Project Administrator
The Daily Show: This Week In God - Scientology
And just for the lulz, from Jul.28.05 (back before Colbert spun-off to his own show) Stephen runs down the world of religion, from a Hindu McDonald's and Pope Benedict XVI to Scientology: Religion of the Stars. [jump to 1:31]

Tip of the 'ol space-helmet visor to JustMissedMe, and DeathHamster.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lack of 'big-tube' WiFi Causes Senator Stevens Air Crash

ted stevens internet tube plane crash Lake Aleknagik, AK ~ Former United States Senator Ted 'the internet, it's not a big truck, it's a series of tubes' Stevens was killed in a plane crash in southwestern Alaska on Monday night. Five of the nine people on board the gigantic Google/YouTube 787 transporter headed to a remote fishing lodge were killed in the crash.

The rescue crew was not able to reach the crash site for more than 12 hours after the accident because of rain, high winds and heavy fog in an area of mountains and lakes north of Bristol Bay, not to mention all the Verizon FIOS installation trucks blocking the remote passes.

The plane went undetected by radar because in the area where it went down, about 20 miles north of Dillingham, there is no radar, wifi or cable coverage, according to one fishing lodge expert familiar with the area. The expert asked not to be identified because the FCC/Fish & Wildlife Div. is in charge of releasing information. The section of internet being transported was under DMCA Safe-Harbor flight rules, two people familiar with the area said, meaning that it was not being directed through normal routes that would normally tag and track it.

Movie tech, Eddy Troutman, said,"...Stevens wanted to watch a movie while fishing, so we arranged with YouTube to transport a tube of the internet up to his fishing lodge. Had I known the movie was Convoy, I would have refused. Everybody knows the internet's not a big truck, and it can't handle that many at once either..."

Unconfirmed reports suggest a false DMCA take-down may have been the cause of that particular section of the internet to crash.The RIAA was not answering their phones and could not be reached for comment.

Mr. Stevens, who had been the longest-serving Republican in the United States Senate while representing Alaska, was 86. He also advocated for a bridge connecting two sparsely-populated Alaskan islands, commonly known as the "Bridge to Nowhere" (not to be confused with Scientology's Bridge to Nowhere).

Even though nobody in the media contacted them, Scientology spokesperson, Tommy Davis, released a statement claiming "...Xenu and his rocket-powered DC-8 was not responsible for the senator's crash." Adding,"...if anybody in the media reports that, they're a religious bigot."

Monday, August 2, 2010

'BOB' Needles Scientoloigists in Seattle [archive video]

Score ~ SubGenius: 2, Scientology: 'the big donut'
WWP : Rev. Modemac tips us off to a post by Rev. Zapanaz, who has a run-in with a couple of body routers in Washington state.
There was a big parade in Seattle last night, the Seafair parade. I hadn't really meant to go to it, I asked a lady out, but I did it b email and just before the time i planned to meet her, so I knew it was 50/50 if I would hear back from her.

Anyway so I went downtown so I would be there in time in case it did work out, and didn't hear from her until later. But then I looked up and all the streets were blocked off and there's this parade going down the street. So what the hell, I decided to walk along the parade route and bar hop. I like crazy crowds.

So I am walking through this crowd and enjoying myself, when this guy approaches me with an arm load of pamphlets. Immediately I wonder what he's selling.

He is a clean-cut, good-looking bright young guy. But with a bizarre element, he has this absolutely hideous glittery gold necktie on. It isn't just bad, it's bizarre. More clownish than like something a country-western singer would wear.

So he starts giving me his spiel, I see his pamphlets, SCIENTOLOGY in big friendly letters on the cover. Oh dear, one of them.

So first I give him a Church of the SubGenius spiel. I don't remember exactly where I took it, but I was on a roll, telling him about how J.R. "Bob" Dobbs has come to bring us back the slack which THEY have taken away, and all that kind of thing. I remember at some point I pulled out a picture of "Bob" from my wallet and showed him and said "DON'T YOU FEEL IT? THAT'S "BOB"!"

Anyway so he laughs and says "but that's all a joke, right?"


"Wake up, cult-boy. Don't you know L. Ron Hubbard just made all that stuff up to rook the gullible? There's nothing there."

He is non-plussed. "I can only speak from my own experience, but my own experience is it works. You can't knock it until you now what it's about."

"Sure", I say, "but the parts that work aren't original. Like take auditing for example ..."

He seems a little surprised that I know what auditing is. "You know about auditing?"

"It's really just a rewarmed form of meditation."

"I've done meditation," he says.

"And auditing is basically the same thing, isn't it? You know, you learn progressively to reduce your automatic reaction to stimuli and external circumstances."

He rephrases this in some minor way which doesn't really matter, I say "sure".

bob is wildThen he says something about The Tech, the Scientology "technology".

I say "they just made some science-fiction-looking toys to make you feel like you have some super-advanced technology but what you're actually DOING is the same as what people have been doing for thousands of years."

He is really on no firm footing now. He says "but, the Organization..."

And see, at that point, I know I got him. Because he isn't disagreeing with any of what I'm saying. He's just trying to come up with something else, some other tack to salvage his religion.

"The organization is a cult, dude", I say, then walk away. He is standing there looking after me.

I think from the internet, I have gotten good at this kind of debate.

Then, just a half a block later on, I run into another one. Same bizarre hideous gold tie, same armload of pamphlets. This guy is older, and kind of bitter-looking, compared to the young bright clean-cut lad from earlier.
[continued at >>>]

SubGenius Commercial [1991]
Film maker Douglass Smith directed this 1 minute SubGenius ad, which was originally shown on music video networks. It was written by, and stars, Rev. Ivan Stang. Stang is co-sub-founder of The Church of the SubGenius, the infamous UFO-sex-death cult from Texas, based on the Slack teachings of J.R. "Bob" Dobbs.

ARISE! Chapter 01 - Instructions
Ane chapter clipped from a new 25-chapter revised version of ARISE!, The SubGenius Movie. ARISE! Directed by Cordt Holland and Rev. Ivan Stang, written by Stang, narrated by Dr. Hal Robins; it was first released in 1988.

[more chapters available at google video]

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tom Cruise / Scientology Video: A Cult Classic [video]

tom cruise thetan battle ~ The Tom Cruise / Scientology video. It never be un-funny. Almost as classic as the Stooges. I said almost. But it's definitely a cult classic on YouTube.

Well, the original link to today's GoogleNews source is gone! Oh! shades of yesteryear.

Luckily, for anyone who's never seen it (is that possible?), Gawker will always have the story on it and the video seems to have survived all this time on YouTube. [see below]

Tom Cruise Scientology Video [Original UNCUT]

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Xenu's Battery in "Knight and Day"?

In James Mangold's action comedy,"Knight and Day", Tom Cruise plays Roy Miller, a government-trained killer. Roy has stolen the prototype of a battery so awesome that it can power a good-sized city indefinitely.

Now this sounds familiar. Where have I heard read/heard about a battery that would last forever. or an eternal battery?

Why L.Ron Hubbard's secret scripture from Scientology. The story of Xenu is covered in OT III, part of Scientology's secret "Advanced Technology" doctrines taught only to advanced members.
[Xenu] is now locked away in a mountain on one of the planets and kept in by a force-field powered by an eternal battery.
Uh-oh, Tom, you haven't been leaking Scientology secrets, just for a plot line, have you?

"I'm Not From This Planet" L.Ron Hubbard Remix
Hear about the eternal battery in L.Ron's story of Xenu [starts about 0:45] (in his own voice, naturally).

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Tom Cruise (hoax) Won't Die. Again.

tom cruise wont die ~ Tom Cruise has not died at Kauri Cliffs - again. His career died long ago, but for some reason, the New Zealand hoax won't. At any rate, it's the second time the actor hasn't died after not falling from the cliffs. Kauri Cliffs receptionist Sandy Hafner hadn't heard the rumor and had no idea why the lodge was so popular with hoaxers.

Cruise confirmed he was alive in an interview with MTV News. "I'm really alive," the actor said from London. "Did the internet get it wrong again?" [No Tom, one of your body thetans must have been play golf there].

Cruise didn't die there in 2008 either. But this time, according to the latest Cruise rumor which began on Friday, had some bizarre variations: one version had the actor dying in New Zealand after a plumbing accident [did the other involve a tailpipe?]

Yesterday the local police station had yet to receive calls about the incident involving the two timing actor, but local officer seem to have a sense of humor on the subject, noting "it would be a very small coffin".

I wonder if Tom, being an avid Scientologist, ever ran across this Hubbard quote: Scientology. It works, but think twice about playing golf in New Zealand.

Van Halen: Might As Well Jump

Tipping the caddy at WWP.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Scientology's OT's Responsible for Droughts? [pic]

Rain, Rain, Go Away. Come Again Some Other Day.
Scientology OT Phenomena Tales The Washington Post has the following article: When a drought is not a drought?

voices.washingtonpost ~ "...But although we in the D.C. area usually experience at least one or two rainless stretches each summer, does the long-term average really substantiate the perception held by some that summertime drought is common here? The answer may surprise you..."

One explanation that isn't brought up in the article and for good reason is the following. Warning: put on your Hubbard space-helmets and set your Operating Thetan decoder ring to unbelievable, 'cause we're going into the wild and woolly world of Miscavige's pulp fiction publication known as OT Phenomena, Tales from the other side of the OT Levels.

In it [several photo copied pages] we've got everything from wishing away wind-shear on a plane to making phone-calls without a phone (can you hear me now?).

But the best of them all? Creating force-fields because they forgot an umbrella:
"...I was on a business trip. The rain was falling down by the bucketful. I stepped out of my car onto the protected lot, but I had to cross the street to get into the building on the other side. Not wanting to get wet, I mocked up a force field to stop the rain. Slowly the rain came to a halt and I was able to cross the street comfortably..."
Well, that's all well and fine for Mr. I'll Melt in the Rain, but does it mention anybody turning off these invisible floating parasols?

Nope. For all we know all these discarded electromagnetic oscillations are gathering together to form hovering rain deflectors twice the size Wala Wala, Washington. And who knows how many cloud-pluggers Scientologists have created over the past sixty years. Think about that the next time you can't water your even-day petunias on an odd day. Scientology. It's a dry heat, and it helps people.

ThanX to J.Swift for the scans.

CCR: Who'll Stop The Rain

Sunday, May 16, 2010

POLL: South Park Gets Props From Fans [video]

UPI ~ Most fans of the Comedy Central show "South Park" said the creators of the animated series should be allowed to lampoon anything they want, a poll indicates.

The animated show ran into controversy when its 200th episode depicted the Prophet Mohammed wearing a bear costume. Many Muslims consider any physical representation of Mohammed sacrilege.

While 58 percent of male respondents said South Park should be allowed to use any images they want, 33 percent of female respondents said the satirical cartoon should not feature any offensive religious images.

In past episodes, South Park has poked fun at religions including Christianity, Judaism and Scientology [see below poll].

Trapped in the Closet [scientology origin clip]

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Scientology Is A Joke Of A "Religion" [video] it's no wonder they would treat confession as a joke. ~ Former Church of Scientology member Marty Rathbun says church leader David Miscavige taped Tom Cruise's confessions and then made fun of them while drinking with other church members.

tom criuse is crazyIs this a big surprise? Scientology is a joke of a "religion" so it's no wonder they would treat confession as a joke. There have been hundreds if not thousands of investigations and reports into the corrupt and possibly criminal organization known as the Church of Scientology. A "church" that makes you, not asks for donations, but makes you give them money in order to move up the ranks of the church is outrageous. In fact the whole idea of the Church of Scientology was born for one purpose and one purpose only and that is to make money. Here is a quote from it's founder L. Ron Hubbard in the late 1940s reprinted in Reader's Digest, May 1980, p.1:

"Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion"

The Church of Scientology brainwashes it's members in order to completely control them. L. Ron Hubbard even wrote a "brainwashing manual" which is still in existence today. Tom Cruise has been so brainwashed that he is almost completely out of his mind. [continued...]
And what better way to mix Cruise, crazy and big jokes together? Why, with Craig Ferguson's segment on Tom Cruise from the 2009 Montreal Comedy Festival, that's how.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Tom Cruise Witnessed Discombobulating Slash, oh my.

tom cruise slashSegment of NY Times: Smoke Gets in His Eye (with my commentary) ~ “A visitor was outside the dressing room door”, Slash's manager announced,“was it OK for Tom Cruise to come in and say hello?”

Slash was taken aback. “As in, Tom Cruise Tom Cruise?” he asked. Yep, the wide-eyed manager said. “Um, yeah sure — tell him to come in.”

And suddenly there was a beaming Mr. Cruise (I believe the beaming is an side effect of transporting down from the mothership).

“I’m a big fan, and I just really wanted to meet you,” Mr. Cruise said. Some awkward banter followed — neither man seemed to know whether to play the fan role or the celebrity one — and ended with a confession.
keep scientology working“I’m a little nervous to go onstage,” Slash said in a soft voice. Mr. Cruise tried to comfort him, saying the same thing happens on a movie set. “That’s good,” Mr. Cruise asserted. “That means it will be a good performance.”

(Wait! What's this, Tom? No confront, shatter suppression? No KSW? Keep siphoning wallets? You might be in for a sec-check or two, with a complementary trip to the RPF, if your buddy, birthday-boy gets wind of it.)

With that, Mr. Cruise bid adieu, leaving Slash a bit discombobulated. “That has to be one of the weirdest things that has happened to me in at least two weeks,” he said, adding that he couldn’t believe how nice Mr. Cruise was. “And he’s not as short as everybody seems to think.” (...he's really much shorter).

Slash's Latest Album [Trailer]

Thursday, April 29, 2010

David Miscavige Turns The Big 50 Tomorrow

david miscavige birthday 50 Yep, the years a flying by faster than a DC-8 with Titan boosters strapped to it, because it's Scientology's current leader's, David Miscavige, 50th birthday (Friday, April 30th).

And just in time for it, internet activist group, Anonymous have released a list of 1000 people who’ve left his Church Cult — and spoken out against it.

And let's not forget this is the year that the media lost it's fear of reporting said 'cob'ulator's fair-gaming group.

They're writing up on everything from, the recently mentioned, sweetheart IRS deal he made back in the 90's to stories of his wrestlemania style beat-downs that he held at his 'Golden Error' desert compound.

Oh, and Davie, just to help you recognize all the guests that appear at your door tomorrow for the party- Karma, she'd be the bitch. And she RSVP'ed.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

South Park: Cruise Dubbed Fudge Packer [video link]

tom cruise fudge packing ~ Tom Cruise is dubbed a “fudge packer” in the recent South Park 200th episode.

Wednesday night's episode seemed very much about settling old scores with censors and celebrities – particularly Cruise. In 2006, a repeat of an episode making fun of Cruise and Scientology was pulled, reportedly after the powerful actor complained (though the show – titled "Trapped in the Closet" – has aired since). Cruise has already suffered at the hands of the animated series. In 2005 an episode that made references to rumors about Cruise’s sexuality had the actor working in the packaging department of Frederick’s Fudge Factory.

The 200th episode begins with the kids on a school trip to a candy factory, where Stan spots Cruise working on the assembly line. "Tom Cruise is a fudge packer!" he exclaims.

After Stan accidentally insults him with the gay jibe, he and other stars decide to take their revenge on the town. Rob Reiner, Mel Gibson, Kanye West and Oprah Winfrey are among the scores of celebs who decide to take legal action.

The 200th episode, simply named ‘200’, can be viewed at

ThanX to WWP for the links.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Colbert on Three, Six, Ohhh [video]

HuffPo ~ Anderson Cooper 360 continued its investigation of allegations of physical abuse within the Church of Scientology. Several of the accusers alleged that when they began to speak out against Scientology, their friends and relatives within the Church were pressured to cease communication with them.

Well. I can tell you one of those people wasn't Stephen Colbert. He's doing a hell-of-a-lot of talking. And I bet Scientology wishes the could shut him up....

Colbert on Three, Six, Ohhh

Thanks BlooAnon.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Resurrection Man and Forgotten Videos [video]

SMH ~ John Travolta, blah, words, blah, in the city to promote his latest film, shill, shill, of his fondest memories is, blah, blah, reinvents himself, words words.

Scientology recognized blah, blah, as an illness rather than a psychosomatic ailment, words, words, words, pizza and cocoa in the early hours, blah, blah, proving a bittersweet experience.

Who gives a shit. I'm just using for a segue into a couple of these forgotten videos that I felt like resurrecting:

No.1: Here's an oldie-but-goody that has a hard time staying up on the internet, the Scientology story, as told on the opposite of north + what you do with your car when you've finished driving.

No.2: This guy has slowly slipped back into the woodwork after removing 9000 anti-Scientology videos from YouTube in one weekend. All because he was outed for running a gay-porn website, while being a scientologist. Hummm, bow-chicka-wow-wow, indeed.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Criminon Confesses Constipation Kerfuffle [video]

Couple of years ago, Criminon (AKA Jimmy Kimmel) had a faux interview, editing himself into the famous Tom Cruise video (that Scientology didn't want you to see).

Well seems as Criminon was still on the anti-Scientology bus when he made another Criminon faux video that surfaced (came out about same time as the above, but I never saw it) but this time, it seems, he's been kidnapped by Scientology OSA goons and forced to apologize for his constipation comedy shtick.

Get ready for a punny skit, 'cause this just turns into another video tea-bagging of Cruise, using every one of his movie titles in video confession, lol.

I have yet to see a post with both of these together, so.....

Tom Cruise Constipation Video Creator Kidnapped!

Tom Cruise: Scientology Constipation Video

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Cruise/Holmes: The Interview [video parody]

Evan Ferrante Tom Cruise
Sneak preview of Mission Impossible 4? Nope. Evan Ferrante doing his Tom Cruise shtick again? Yep.

And I'm not complaining. This time, teaming up with, the faux tommy-boy comes up real short in a fake interview with Devon about his hold on his robot-bride, Katie Kate Holmes.

Got that? Not Katie. Kate.

Oh, this video is such a blessing. In fact, it's just magical... you'll see. Katie did. Uh, I mean Kate. Oh, Tom. You're impossible, times four.

See more of his antics on Ferrante's YouTube channel: evanskye

Tom Cruise and Katie Kate Holmes - In Love Faux Real?

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Idol: Scientologist Freaks Simon Out [video]

...along with the rest of the panel.
american idol- scientology singer
On American Idol, a 2nd generation Scientologist, Austin Fullmer, auditioned in front of a creeped out panel of judges, consisting of Kara DioGuardi, Katy Perry, Simon Powell and Randy Jackson with his rendition of Mick Jagger Does Cheap Trick's Surrender.

He also learned that Hubbard's saying, "What is true for you is true for you" doesn't ring true in the court of Simon Powell.
Simon: Can't you just be happy doing that? (water-treatment tech)
Austin: Ehh, it's kind of boring. This (singing) is my purpose in life, I think.
Simon: No it's not.
Randy: [chuckle]
Simon: No, it's not your purpose in life....
At the end of the video the following can be heard: Are these people frisked before they come in here?
Also some comments from WWP:
He'll never clear the planet singing like that. He might clear the studio, though.
Billy Idol called, he wants you to stop immediately.

This is what happens when you are surrounded by people who will never tell you that you royally suck.

And finally, from Xenu's Twitter-Land, Kirstie Alley's daughter asks for a critique about her friend:
@kirstiealley Mum! Did you watch american idol last night??? if you did, please tell me what you thought of Austin- hes Hollys cousin.. Love
Odd. No reply.

American Idol Los Angeles 2010: Austin Fullmer

Tip of the 'ol microphone to Smurf.

FBI Arrests 'Final Bosses Of The Internet' [lol]

Second US man admits DDoS attack on Scientology
From all the hype on this story, you'd think the FBI and Scientology, after two years, had single-handedly cracked the secretive underworld of Anonymous by arresting and placing in custody two of upper echelon leaders (or final boss(es) of the internet) that they believe are controlling the, often stereotyped nefarious, group (or hackers on steroids, lol). ~ Mettenbrink, 20, of Nebraska, said he downloaded custom software from a message board controlled by the anti-Scientology group known as Anonymous with the intent of inflicting damage to the COS, or Church of Scientology. He was the second individual to plead guilty in the attacks. In October 2008, Guzner, then an 18-year-old from Verona, New Jersey, admitted he also helped carry out the attacks.

A poster at sums it up nicely:
You're missing the idea behind Anonymous.
We are not Anonymous because we hide our names.
We are Anonymous because our names mean nothing.
We are disillusioned mundane people who are nothing and mean nothing.
We are something only as a Legion.
We are fans of Fight Club, but without illusions, a leader or a purpose. And with more malice.
We are tired with the system, and break it when and where we can.
Our only powers are numbers, variety and unpredictability.
Losing one or two of us means nothing.

They try to give a name to the threat, by providing the name of one of the people behind the Anonymous. That's like trying to fight avalanche by removing two rocks from it and giving them names.
Where's Your Head At?
Seems they just can't wrap their heads around this fact: Anonymous is a constantly sub-dividing, splintering group. Also, this really wreaks havoc in the Final Boss's HR department, trying to keep all those employee paychecks straight.[note: I submitted a sick-day slip last wednesday; how come i didn't get paid for it?]

Rocketboom, fortunately, has been documenting the constantly changing intertubes landscape in a video series titled: Know Your Meme. Below is the installment entitled Chanology, which should get your dual-core back up to speed, if you're unfamiliar with the term.

Tip of the 'ol gavel to WWP.

Monday, January 25, 2010

FB&HW: Scientologists = Brainwashed Lunatics [audio]

Free Beer & Hot Wings ShowFree Beer & Hot Wings Show
It's not today's lunch menu (although it would make a nice one), but a syndicated talk radio show based out of WGRD-FM in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

The show is hosted by Greg "Free Beer" Daniels and Chris "Hot Wings" Michels with Eric "Zane", "Producer" Joseph Gasmann, Jr and Assistant Producer Steve McKiernan.

And an anon caught some of it while it broadcast over the air in Nashville. It seems they had just caught wind of the Scientology Super Heal (or should that be heel?) story at AFP:
"... One hour ago he had no sensation in his left leg, so I explained the method to him, I touched him and after a while he said 'now I feel everything'," said Sylvie, "Otherwise they might have had to amputate his other leg. Now his sister knows the method and she can do it."

"... Some doctors at the hospital are skeptical. One US doctor, who asked not to be named, snorted: "I didn't know touching could heal gangrene." When asked what the Scientologists are doing here, another doctor said: "I don't know." Do you care? "Not really," she said, wheeling an unconscious patient out of the operating room to join hundreds of others in the hospital's sunny courtyard

Free Beer & Hot Wings Show
on Scientologists 'heal' Haiti quake victims. Let's listen in on their commentary...

Tip of the 'ol radio antenna to Boxxy(lol) at WWP.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Nutter Sues XenuTV. Apparently Skipped Email 101

Crazy is as Crazy does
From Mark Bunker's blog @ XENUtv:

"John Bowen Brown II. He is the bright fellow who contacted me with allegations of being the leader on an international terrorist organization and hurling accusations against me that were baseless, ill formed and just plain wrong. He gave me permission to post our lengthy initial e-mail exchange on my website."

"Since that time he has periodically e-mailed some other baseless charges against me that usually result in him ending with “AND DON’T EVER CONTACT ME AGAIN!”.

"He never seems to realize that I don’t contact him. He contacts me and I respond. I never think of this guy until he sends me something in my email."

"I asked him why he was contacting me and he told me it was an automated invitation that sent an email to everyone in his mailbox. I asked him the simple question, “Why don’t you remove me from your mailbox?” That type of logic sends him to a tizzy of foot stomping and ended with him saying I should never contact him again."

"I get another email from him saying “Check out my photos on Facebook.” Another automated message showing that he didn’t take the simple step of removing my name from his frigging address book. Seems pretty simple. I never think of this nutcase until he contacts me and then he yells at me for contacting me. I wrote back to him a simple, “Really? You threaten me if I contact you and then you once again contact me to be your Facebook friend? You really are nutty.”

"Today, after a couple months of blissful Brown-free living, I got a letter from his attorney threatening me if I ever contact him again."

Scans of legal threat included on his blog.
Tip of the 'ol send button to WWP.

Jim Carrey: Crazy Man Ready For The Rubber Room