Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Scientology Releases 21st Century Retaliation Machine on CNN

Anti-Anderson Cooper Magazine/DVD Handed It Out At CNN Hdqrs
Business Insider ~ The Church of Scientology doesn't like it when the media gives it less-than-positive coverage (which is pretty much the only type of coverage the media gives it), and its members tend to get rather aggro with the journalists who produce such features.

In retaliation against these types of pieces, sometimes Scientologists get stalkey. Sometimes they make threatening phone calls. And sometimes they produce 95-page magazines attacking a journalist and then hand out copies in front of his place of work. [continued >>>]

David Miscavige Says:'Look At Me, World, I'm An Idiot!'
From what I understand, AC360's ratings really weren't that great when the Scientology expose originally aired, but in full footbullet fashion, Scientology never fails to make an ass of itself in the media's eyes.
And just when the report was going to drift off the reading/watching public's radar, David Miscavige makes himself the next shiney thing on the intertubes by pulling this stunt.
A review of Freedom magazine's spread from an ex-scientologist:
"... I think I get what this is, mostly. It is a puff piece authored by OSA [Office of Special Affairs] for DM [David Miscavige] as the main single audience/reader. It is made to fit in with what DM would approve of, so OSA gets back in his good books. It is amazingly stupid when applied to the real world outside DM's tight orbit...."
Anderson Cooper 360 / Scientology: a history of violence
Six minute segment of CNN's AC360 that aired last month on the violent internal history of David Miscavige's (so called) 'religious' empire.

On Your Toes Award goes to OCMB. THanX.

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