Monday, October 25, 2010

Scientology's Narconon In Legal Trouble On Multiple Fronts
• Narconon Vista Called Front for Scientology
SANTA CRUZ, Calif. (CN) - A father claims Narconon International and the Association for Living and Education International are fronts for Scientology, and that he paid them $35,500 for "essentially worthless treatment" for his drug-addicted son. He says the groups run rehab programs "to enrich themselves and to provide a recruit base for the Church of Scientology rather than to provide competent treatment for chemical dependency."narconon vista california

David Compton sued the two companies, and Narconon Vista, alleging fraud and breach of contract. He wants his money back and $1 million in punitive damages.

List of more lawsuit (pdfs) against NARCONON VISTA BAY  

"The conduct of defendants is pervasive and plaintiff and his son are not the first victims of the conduct of defendants," the complaint states. "Defendants are engaged in a scheme or plan to enrich themselves and to provide a recruit base for the Church of Scientology rather than to provide competent treatment for chemical dependency. As such, their actions are intended to inflict harm upon the persons entering their programs while obtaining large sums of money for essentially worthless treatment. Such pattern of conduct has resulted in harm not just to plaintiff and his son but many other families who have been traumatized by actions of defendants." [ more → ]

Narconon Trois Riveres Shutdown

• Narconon Trois-Rivières, Canada
(Trois-Rivières) The Narconon Trois-Rivières detoxification centre, suspected of links with the Church of Scientology, once again finds itself in the middle of a controversy. This time, it's the public statements made over the weeked by a former patient who became an employee of the organization that have brought the subject back into the news.david love:  fraud statement on narconon

David Edgar Love, a 57-year-old man from the Montreal area, has just filed a complaint with the Quebec Human Rights Commission as well as with the Quebec Labour Standards Commission . Both commissions are currently investigating the matter.

The former Narconon employee says he is suffering from post-traumatic stress since leaving the centre in May 2009. Harassment and threats are alleged to have been daily occurrences at the Parent Boulevard establishment.[ more → ]

• David Edgar Love vs Narconon Trois-Rivieres
Court hearing date is set for January 17th, 2011. Click here to read his brief summary.
Narconon Fudges Numbers
Love also adds: "...All of my examinations and calculations indicated that the advertised and promoted success rate was far below 70%. In fact it was approximately 46% using Narconon’s own computer data.

This 46% success rate represents post graduates only and does not take into account the patients who did not complete the program. It also does not include post graduate staff members who relapsed, which were several in the past two years. When taking the aforesaid into account, the Success Rate falls far below 20%.Narconon Trois-Rivières, Canada

The high “success rate”, which every Narconon in the world claims, is what I consider the key to Narconon’s ability to make money and fill Scientology’s coffers.

It is this advertised and promoted high success rate, which lures the unsuspecting and vulnerable public into this Narconon program of exploitation. These people have a high expectation of success, which is clearly a misrepresentation
..." [ more → ]
• Do Your Homework
Before investing a small fortune in drug rehabilitation for yourself or a loved one, do your homework. Remember, Narconon is not affiliated with the legitimate organization Narcotics Anonymous. Visit, ripoff report / narconon and WWP's Narconon Situation Room thread for more stateside/international information and/or horror stories.

David Love/Narconon Scam Interview
Tampa Florida, WXYB 1520AM 'The Edge' with host, Tom Smith [58 min]
(update: video cannot be embedded in US. click here to watch on RuTube)

Is This Worth $30,000.00?
narconon Before you sign on the dotted line, take a peek at what you're getting yourself into. Yep, it's L.Ron Hubbard's Scientology. Click the links below to view/download leaked PDFs.
For more on Scientology's Narconon in the news, click on the banners below:
narconon arrowhead investigation
Narconon Georgia Investigation Full Coverage

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