Thursday, November 1, 2012

News8:Scientology's Narconon-Nevada Investigated [video]

narconon nevada investigation [OCT.31.12] CALIENTE, Nev.~Former patients and employees are speaking out about a Nevada drug rehab center they describe as having mold and lice – and requires patients to try to move objects with their mind.

narconon caliente nevada investigation
Narconon facility located in Caliente, Nevada
Narconon, an unlicensed rehabilitation center in Caliente, Nev., is connected to the Church of Scientology, but many parents sending their children there claim they were never told that.
The I-Team has been investigating Narconon for nearly three years. The center is about 100 miles northeast of Las Vegas in Lincoln County. It's rarely inspected and is isolated from the outside world.

Justin Vandergriend, an opiate addict, went into therapy, paid for by his parents for a sum of $35,000.
He described the therapy he received as not conventional. "Talking to walls, sitting two inches from somebody in a chair, looking them eye to eye," Vandergriend said, describing his therapy. "Almost as if you're trying to steal their soul and if you were to move, flinch, act irritated whatsoever, they would throw you out and put you back in for a new two hours."

 Narconon is not licensed as a drug rehab facility in the state of Nevada but is allowed to operate because of what some officials call a gaping loophole. []

I-Team PT1: Patients Struggle at Scientology Rehab Center

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narconon nevada scientology based rehab center
Scientology course material used at Narconon Rehab center [NOV.01.12] CALIENTE, Nev. ~ Narconon course material was written by Scientology.  According to Hubbard's 1968 writings, scientology aims to rid people of infesting alien spirits left behind after a 75 million year old galactic civil war.

The Vandergriend family and many others talking to the I-Team said nobody told them Narconon was connected to Scientology and said they have no doubts why Justin relapsed after attending Narconon.
"They don't even have a certified doctor, a certified nurse," said Justin Vandergriend's father, Dave. "They don't have anybody."

The I-Team checked state databases and found that none of the Narconon employees identified had any Nevada medical licenses or certification for drug counseling or rehab services.
The I-Team tried asking them in person, including executive director Will Williams, but interview requests were repeatedly declined. []

I-Team PT2: Loophole Lets Rehab Center Slide Under Radar

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Scientology Continues The Corporate Shell Game
 From a poster at WWP: Strictly speaking narCONon Nevada no longer exists. According to the Nevada Business Entity listing 'Narconon Nevada' is "Expired" and the only narCONon operating in Nevada is 'Narconon Southern California'. Apparently Nevada hasn't caught up with the fact narCONon International is changing the DBA of 'Narconon Southern California' to 'Narconon Fresh Start':
From the Nevada Secretary of State Business Entity Listing:
• Entity Name NV Business ID Status Type
• NARCONON NEVADA Expired Reserved Name
• NARCONON NEVADA Expired Reserved Name
• NARCONON NEVADA Expired Reserved Name
• NARCONON NEVADA Expired Reserved Name
• NARCONON NEVADA Expired Reserved Name
• NARCONON NEVADA Expired Reserved Name
• NARCONON SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA NV20041660095 Active Domestic Non-Profit Corporation Sole
Details on the NN SOU CA listing:
Business Entity Information
• Status: Active File Date: 11/23/2004
• Type: Domestic Non-Profit Corporation Sole Entity Number: CS31512-2004
• Qualifying State: NV List of Officers Due: 11/30/2012
• NV Business ID: NV20041660095 Business License Exp:

From the IRS Exempt Organization listing:
• 330911677 NARCONON INTERNATIONAL GLENDALE CA 91204-1331 2595 03 9 NARCONON FRESH START (Was Narconon South CA)

• Narconon Nevada is now called is now called Narconon Fresh Start Rainbow Canyon Retreat [] (same location) and Narconon Fresh Start Corp (formally Narconon Southern California) is still the owner.
More on Narconon
Ripoff Report: Narconon Narconon
TippingPoint: Narconon  

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