Actually it's only 3:17, but we'll just round up. We have a new entrant in the internet's Scientology Hall of Fame. Will he give Mary DeMoss and the Bullbaiter Bunch a run for their money? They're getting the star ready for George Baillie.
Be sure to Digg It so that he receives all the internet fame that is so richly deserved. Here's the back-story on this insane up-and-comer from WWP and ExScn:
"...I was wandering around East Grinstead, in the vicinity of Sainsbury’s (supermarket), when I saw a Sea Org staff minibus, parked on the side of the road and three Sea Org members standing near it. After some discussion, they crossed the road and two of them stood outside the front door of a house, presumably in order to see the occupant/s and get them back on lines / buy more materials etc.
Sensing a good photo opportunity, I whipped out my trusty Canon and took a snap. This apparently aroused their interest, because one of their party followed me down the road and took a photo of me. Nothing wrong with that, I was in a public place after all. In any case, I thought I would take the opportunity to speak to him about what the leader of his ‘church’ is really up to. Ask I walked towards him, he walked off. I followed and asked him if he could confront me. His response was rather non sequitur to say the least. He accused me of being a squirrel!
I was rather bemused by this and decided to respond by telliing him about David Miscavige (allegedly) beating his staff and the fact that Marty Rathbun and Mike Rinder had left and were now speaking out. At first, he actually listened to what I said. But this soon changed as he was apparently unable to face any criticism of his leader or organization. Several times he said that I was repeating a circuit, while himself repeating the same accusations over and over (squirrel, suck on the track, insane, etc). He even suggested that I beat my wife! Yes, really. I mean how corny can you get?
I tried to communicate in a rational way, but it was obviously that he would not listen. He was so intense that he was actually spitting while he was hurling his invective at me.
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