Thursday, April 29, 2010

David Miscavige Turns The Big 50 Tomorrow

david miscavige birthday 50 Yep, the years a flying by faster than a DC-8 with Titan boosters strapped to it, because it's Scientology's current leader's, David Miscavige, 50th birthday (Friday, April 30th).

And just in time for it, internet activist group, Anonymous have released a list of 1000 people who’ve left his Church Cult — and spoken out against it.

And let's not forget this is the year that the media lost it's fear of reporting said 'cob'ulator's fair-gaming group.

They're writing up on everything from, the recently mentioned, sweetheart IRS deal he made back in the 90's to stories of his wrestlemania style beat-downs that he held at his 'Golden Error' desert compound.

Oh, and Davie, just to help you recognize all the guests that appear at your door tomorrow for the party- Karma, she'd be the bitch. And she RSVP'ed.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Scientology's Tax Exempt Status Questioned (again) [video]

HuffPo: ~ For more than 25 years, the IRS denied tax-exemption to the Church of Scientology. The long-running policy flowed from an IRS determination in 1967 that Scientology was in fact a commercial entity operated solely for the benefit of founder L. Ron Hubbard.[timeline]

In 1993, seven years after Hubbard's death, the IRS made a puzzling and highly suspicious reversal. It settled its tax bill with Scientology for just $12.5 million and conferred on it the title of tax-exempt "religion."

Both the Wall Street Journal and New York Times later broke important ground with respective reports on the secret meetings that led to the agreement, and details of Scientology's harassment of IRS officials. [...continued]

And for a little more detail of how the financial workings go round-and-round in Scientology, an ex-insider's report from WWP (with links to an Ebook and court transcripts).

Message to American Taxpayers: Scientology's IRS Deal

Monday, April 26, 2010

Brad Pitt & '1000 Others' Quit Scientology

UPDATE: Make that over 1700
brad pitt tom cruise scientology
DailyStar ~ Brad Pitt was a prime target for Scientology recruiters before he met Angelina Jolie, a new book, Scientology - Abuse at the Top, due out May 9th, claims.

He was introduced to the oddball cult by his girlfriend at the time, actress Juliette Lewis. The two became regular visitors to the Scientology Celebrity Centre in LA. Official church records reveal Pitt completed two courses – one of which was entitled “Human Evaluation” – at the centre in July 1991 and May 1993.

Author, Amy Scobee, says: “In the end, Brad didn’t think it was for him and he and Juliette broke up.”

And as for the 1000 others, they range from ordinary everyday people, to an Oscar winning director and screen writer Paul Haggis and actors Christopher Reeve and Jason Beghe.

Also included is author William S. Burroughs, Ron (Hubbard) DeWolfe (L. Ron Hubbard's son who changed his last name), Jenna Miscavige Hill (niece of current leader of Scientology, David Miscavige), and a whole host of L. Ron Hubbard confidants including his second wife, one of his girlfriends, his personal auditor, his biographer, and his personal physician.

The list, which continues to grow daily, contains individuals who no longer practice Scientology at all as well as many others who do. What they have in common is that each of them has decided to step forward and tell the world what happened during their time within organized Scientology.

Anonymous now celebrates (as reported earlier) the compilation and publication of a thousand-strong list of human voices no longer silenced, and never again alone. You can find the list online here: Former Church Of Scientology Members Who Have Spoken Out Documentation is provided for each name included in the list.

Update: Former Scientology Members list now located at BigList.Shows.It.

 All remaining victims or observers of abuse within organized Scientology are invited to speak out and add their names and their messages.

Nice work, you guise.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Loose Lips Sink Scientology Celebration? [UPDATE]

It's more likely than you think...
Uh-oh. Scientology's super secret plans to celebrate the grand re-opening of their newly repaved Los Angeles Ideal parking lot has been leaked on to the intertubes. Just exactly where they didn't want it to go.
First, via email, 3 days ago:
the Grand re-opening of the Model Ideal Los Angeles Org Saturday, April 24th at 3:00 p.m.
We want the largest attendance ever.
Please bring your family & friends and be there by 2:30 p.m. Let us know you're attending and how many people you're bringing by clicking reply.
ML, Wendy & Joanne
Second, via Facebook, 1 day ago:

Rut-Roh, Raggy. According to the last reply on your entry: Hey, this data is not to be put out on the internet. So I was told. So much for trying to use Anonymous' backyard for communication. lol.

Too late. You know who, the group you were most likely trying to hide this from, will be there. With bells masks on.
An entry from WWP: As soon as I found out it was not supposed to be posted on the internet I posted it!:D Cannot wait to go to my very first raid!
Maybe some Scientoligists should take some lessons from their savior, Tom Cruise, as to how to, at least, act like a secret agent.

Hummm, that must be what that last line in Anonymous' credo means:
We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.
Post Celebration UPDATE: 4/25
Scientology Los AngelesApparently all went well at the Scientology's Los Angeles Super Secret Idle Parking Lot / Chinese Laundry Grand Re-Opening Extravaganza, for the exception of an assault on a female protester by a unknown individual.
The following statements gleaned from WWP:
A guy in this photo PUNCHED A FEMANON IN THE STOMACH AS HE WALKED BY. The abuser has long stringy blond/gray hair and was in a teal shirt. Jerk.
Here are the photos I got of a Scilon who hit a girl at the protest. The zoom on my video camera sucks, so this is as good as it gets...sorry! He is the one with the blond mullet:
wanted poster: scientologist assault
Update from victim: "I am that protester who was sucker punched in the gut yesterday. Funny, I didn't think about the after match that fucker would create by assaulting me. That's right I am pissed....It is that blonde/grey mullet in the teal shirt who sucker punched me. ...".

"This was my first protest. I was with 6 other friends who I know and trust. When we got there, two of our group got a head of us. When we got to the corner of Sunset and hubbard Way, the police asked us to please cross the street and demonstrate on the opposite side of the street. While the officer was saying this to the group I was in, the two a head of us were already crossing to the other side of the street. I started noticing PAC security, OSA, one of the handlers - that dumb, short, brunette with the lousy scilon come backs...

I started getting nervous, my heart was pounding in my chest. I started to realize where I was and what I was doing. Trying to get my anxiety under control, I turned and started walking across the street to join the other Anons in what I thought would be a peaceful protest. What I didn't know was that the rest of my group hadn't turned with me to cross. Between the knocking knees and shaky hands and the fact that the mask and hooded cape really messed with my vision - I had wondered into the crossing alone.

So here I am heart pounding, legs weak - female, 5'4" girl walking across the street. All I could think to do was to hold my sign up. I held it across my chest and walked into what I didn't realize was a crowd of scientologists. (oh wow I just remembered one other thing.... ) first a tall early 30 something guy shouldered me as he walked by. I just thought to myself "oh well, it's not like I didn't move" hmmm... some of that old scientology 'expecting to be mistreated' feeling perhaps? but then..

lapd officer that did nothingI am in the crowd of scientologists and out of no where this teal shoulder is being brought down in front of me and when his shoulder starts to touch me he swung his balled up fist in a sort of upper cut to my gut. I don't know where the sign was or how he made contact with my body without destroying my sign, I really don't.

So I stumble and sorta keep walking across the street. I started re-playing what had just happened in my mind from beginning to end and something happened. I realized that guy did that on purpose. He PLANNED it ahead of time and quite frankly executed it beautifully. I suddenly SAW RED. I was PISSED. I stopped turned around and saw the guy and LOST IT. I screamed "THAT MAN JUST HIT ME!!! THAT MAN JUST PUNCHED ME IN THE STOMACH!!" No one seemed to get what I was saying and I just got more enraged.

I RAN over to the guy - this guy was over 6'1" and an easy 250 lbs, he was a big guy. I fucking grabbed that man by his arm (the arm of the same said shoulder by the way) and I literally shoved him over to the police. I said directly to the police officer, "This man just punched me in the stomach!"

His only response was "I didn't see it so there is nothing I can do." [WWP: Officer "Dudley Do Nothing" has been ID'd by victim] It was stupid but I was pissed so I asked the police officer "So, officer, Can *I* punch scientologists in the stomach? I mean I just have to make sure you don't see it right?" yeah dumb but I was pissed and I kinda have a mouth."
And what went on behind the Great Chinese Laundry Wall? Well video has been released that was taken from inside the event, including a Hooray for Hollywood dance number (guess Katie wasn't available, lol) and speeches by Tommy Davis, Sheriff Lee Baca and, briefly, David Miscavige.

And the 'battle of words' while waiting at the crosswalk, between scientolgists and anonymous protesters, just outside the entrance of the LA's 'freshly paved' Idle Morgue.

1000's Come Out Against Scientology (not including the Russians).

R2-45 ~ Some of Hubbard's Scientology books have been found by a Russian court to be extremist. Prosecutors in Russia had urged the court to ban the Hubbard material, saying it contained calls to commit crimes motivated by religious hatred; in particular against critics of Scientology.

So, who are some of these critics, you ask. Why, people who used to belong to this group , some for many years and from many levels within the organization.

From a pre-press release additional comment posted on WWP: "This list includes Oscar winning director and screen writer Paul Haggis, actors Christopher Reeve and Jason Beghe, author William S. Burroughs, Ron (Hubbard) list of scientology defectorsDeWolfe (L. Ron Hubbard's son who changed his last name), Jenna Miscavige Hill (niece of current leader of Scientology, David Miscavige), and a whole host of L. Ron Hubbard confidants including his second wife, one of his girlfriends, his personal auditor, his biographer, and his personal physician."

To get a sneek-peek at the workings of Chanology (an off-shoot of the group Anonymous) massaging the wording of their List of 1000+ Former Church of Scientology Members Speak Out Against The Church announcement, click here. Or maybe even go here, and join the conversation.

As a side note, seems Chanology is on the fence about the above Russian ban. In a separate discussion you can follow their debate on the pros and cons.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Scientology Hijacks US State Seal [pics]

scientology seal of united states
Our super sleuths over at WWP and OCMB have noticed the corporation of Scientology is using the US Great Seal in their photo op's, creating an impression that it is somehow approved by or represents the state.

From the pages of a Scientology front group trade magazines, IAS's Impact, at the opening ceremony for their Washington DC building, we see blatant use of a seal similar to the US's State Department.
And our sleuths have also looked up the state department's stance on copycats: "...This is a criminal statute with penal provisions, prohibiting certain uses of the Great Seal that would convey or reasonably be calculated to convey a false impression of sponsorship or approval by the Government of the United States or any department, agency, or instrumentality thereof..."
Well, since they've already got their own special sealed deal with the IRS, why not just continue to infiltrate the US government, and change it to their liking.

Special thanks to Caroline Letkeman for hosting pics.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

South Park: Cruise Dubbed Fudge Packer [video link]

tom cruise fudge packing ~ Tom Cruise is dubbed a “fudge packer” in the recent South Park 200th episode.

Wednesday night's episode seemed very much about settling old scores with censors and celebrities – particularly Cruise. In 2006, a repeat of an episode making fun of Cruise and Scientology was pulled, reportedly after the powerful actor complained (though the show – titled "Trapped in the Closet" – has aired since). Cruise has already suffered at the hands of the animated series. In 2005 an episode that made references to rumors about Cruise’s sexuality had the actor working in the packaging department of Frederick’s Fudge Factory.

The 200th episode begins with the kids on a school trip to a candy factory, where Stan spots Cruise working on the assembly line. "Tom Cruise is a fudge packer!" he exclaims.

After Stan accidentally insults him with the gay jibe, he and other stars decide to take their revenge on the town. Rob Reiner, Mel Gibson, Kanye West and Oprah Winfrey are among the scores of celebs who decide to take legal action.

The 200th episode, simply named ‘200’, can be viewed at

ThanX to WWP for the links.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Celebrities Sucked Into Scientology [free Ebook]

Another Scientology Celeb Tell-All Book. Not.
Celebrities on the Scientology Bridge
If that's what you're looking for, this isn't it. This is not a book similar to the one described in Does Anyone Have Real Dirt on Tom or Oprah?.

But if you're curious as to how Scientology manipulates celebrities into staying with and spouting abundant praises for this spacey church cult, then this is it.
From the author: This ebook was written by a former Scientology celebrity, from his own personal experiences, about the secret reasons why celebrities are hooked on Scientology. Why do some very famous people donate millions of dollars to, and stay with, such a freaky alien-based cult?

Celebrities On The Bridge
By Michael Pattinson
Free E-Book PDF format
download free ebook

ThanX for the tip, Mike.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Scientology's Creepy Recruitment [video]
Today, Scientology is flooding the internet with press releases about their "so called" religion, so I figured it use them to advance this video:

Midweek Politics with David Pakman: Personal Story About Scientology Recruitment

David gives his opinion on Anderson Cooper's 360 investigation of allegations of physical abuse within the Church of Scientology and tells of a Scientology recruitment attempt from within his mother's home from a hired handyman (creepy).

Monday, April 12, 2010

TC's Lawyer Pulls A Streisand (and doesn't even realize it)

crazy tom cruise Yep, goes to prove, just because you have a law degree, doesn't mean you know how the internet works.

Amy Scobee's book, Scientology: Abuse at the Top, will be published next month. She tells the eye-opening account of her 27 years inside the Church from innocence at age 14 to her nightmarish experiences in the highest management body at Scientology's secret (at that time) International Headquarters.

Tom Cruise's lawyer, Bertram Fields, got wind of it, and on April 6th, he sent her a letter [page1, page2] warning her about publishing a book that "includes assertions about Mr. Cruise that are demonstrably false and defamatory."

But also goes on to say, "... I have urged Mr. Cruise not to give your book publicity by filing a lawsuit while it is initially on sale, but to wait until later...".

Let me translate Fields' legalese above into everyday language:
I've urged Tommy Boy not to give your book publicity by filing a lawsuit now, so I'll send you this giant printed footbullet instead to increase your google-fu tenfold. Thus, this will increase your book sales much more compared to if I'd said nothing. Oh, and right now I'm looking for the idiot-bar to shut off the internet.
Former Scientologist Mark "Marty" Rathbun, who was also featured in Cooper's 360 series, posted it to his blog.

Then Gawker got a hold of it. Well it's not over, but I hear a lady with a big nose, and sure as hell sounds like she's singing. (It won't be over till Kirstie Alley joins in, lol)

ThanX for tip WWP.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Bail Denied in Fowler Double Shooting [update]

Back Story: An update to the continuing story that was reported on 1/2/10: In a stunning turnabout, a dead man called a "suspect" just 24 hours ago is now deemed the murder victim in a double shooting at an Adams County office building.

No bail for accused murderer Rex Fowler ~ An Adams County District Court judge today ordered William Rex Fowler, 58, to face first-degree murder charges in the Dec. 31, 2009 shooting of Tom Ciancio.

Judge Francis Wasserman also denied bail for Fowler.

Fowler is accused of shooting Ciancio, 42, three times in the head with a 9mm Glock handgun when Ciancio came to Fowler Software in unincorporated Adams County to collect $9,900 in severance pay. Ciancio, who was Fowler Software's chief operating officer, resigned Nov. 23 in a dispute over the way the company was being managed.

Prosecutors said during a preliminary hearing today that Fowler lured Ciancio to his office to commit a murder suicide. Investigators say Fowler shot Ciancio three times in the head and then shot himself under the chin in attempt to end his own life.

Prosecutors said they found notes written by Fowler to his wife, and also a living will they say indicated he was going to commit suicide after taking Ciancio's life.

"Fowler took care of his own business before he took care of his own suicide," Young said. Fowler's attorney said at worst, her client should face second-degree murder charges. "This was a professional dispute and it was not based on first-degree murder," defense attorney Sarah Quinn said.

And there's more:
CBS4 Denver has the following to add:
"...Another detective testified that witnesses stated both Ciancio and another employee suspected that Fowler had embezzled money from the company for his church. Fowler was a practicing Scientologist. Ciancio was so upset that he decided to resign and was going back to work at Fowler Software Design to pick up his final check on the day he was killed..."

You can read more of Fowler's Scientology/WISE connection at an archived post over at WWP.

1/22/10: Man charged in shooting death of former business partner
Archived report on the Fowler murder/suicide attempt as aired on 1/22/10 on KUSA-TV News9.

ODIT archived posts on this story can be found here. As always, thanx to WWP for the tip.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Colbert on Three, Six, Ohhh [video]

HuffPo ~ Anderson Cooper 360 continued its investigation of allegations of physical abuse within the Church of Scientology. Several of the accusers alleged that when they began to speak out against Scientology, their friends and relatives within the Church were pressured to cease communication with them.

Well. I can tell you one of those people wasn't Stephen Colbert. He's doing a hell-of-a-lot of talking. And I bet Scientology wishes the could shut him up....

Colbert on Three, Six, Ohhh

Thanks BlooAnon.

Friday, April 2, 2010

ENQUIRER interview w/ Carmen Llywellyn [Jason Lee-Ex]

Carmen-Llywelyn ~ In an explosive Enquirer exclusive interview the ex-wife of Earl star Jason Lee reveals all about the inner sanctum of Scientology -- the Hollywood cult that masquerades as a "church".

When Tom Cruise called Nicole Kidman a Scientologist, she shot him a look that could kill - and shortly afterward, the couple divorced!

That's the blockbuster claim of former Scientologist and actress Carmen Llywellyn [sic] - the ex-wife of My Name is Earl star Jason Lee, who remains a member of the controversial church.

And in an exclusive ENQUIRER interview, Carmen pulls aside the veil of secrecy surrounding the religion that some describe as a cult. She reveals for the first time ever how the church caters to its famous celebrity members, including Cruise, John Travolta and Lisa Marie Presley.

jason leeCarmen joined Scientology in 1995 after marrying Jason, but quit during their bitter divorce in 2002, and claims her association with the church still haunts her.

"I have never spoken about Scientology before, but I still have nightmares about these people.

"They ruined my life and my career. I ended up addicted to painkillers, and it took three rehabs to get me straight," Carmen told the ENQUIRER.

"If I see a Scientologist now, I cross the street."

Tip of the 'ol rumor-rag to WWP and Ex-Sci boards.