Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Deaths at Narconon Arrowhead Spur Two More Lawsuits

narconon arrowhead investigation
Gabriel Grave
mcalesternews.com [Sep.28.12] An attorney for the families of two patients found dead at Narconon Arrowhead says lawsuits against the facility could be filed next week. Meanwhile, officials await autopsy reports in an investigation into four known deaths tied to the Scientology-based facility.Narconon Arrowhead is a national nonprofit drug and alcohol rehabilitation center in Canadian.

The facility has been under investigation by Pittsburg County officials, the District 18 District Attorney’s office, the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation and the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health since July when 20-year-old Stacy Murphy was found dead while she was a patient of the facility. On Thursday, a Tulsa attorney said lawsuits against the facility could be filed as soon as next week. The attorney, Gary Richardson, represents the families of Murphy and of Gabriel Graves who was also found dead at Narconon Arrowhead. “We have been doing a lot of work in these cases and we are hoping to have the lawsuits filed next week,” Richardson said.

Stacy Dawn Murphy
 Narconon officials have declined comment in the deaths beyond expressing sympathy for the families involved. In July, Murphy’s death caused officials to take a closer look into the deaths of two others who died while patients of the facility in a span of less than a year.

In July, the District 18 First Assistant District Attorney Richard Hull said the results would take four to six weeks.
Now, more than eight weeks later, officials are still awaiting for the results.
“We haven’t received anything yet,” said Joel Kerns, Pittsburg County Sheriff.
Kerns said after he receives the medical examiners’ reports, he will pass the  results to the DA’s office and to determine whether charges will be filed.
 [more at mcalesternews]

Lawsuit: "Narconon operates a dangerous, unsafe and unsupervised drug and alcohol rehabilitation program.”
mcalesternews.com [OCT.08.12] The parents of a patient  found dead at Narconon Arrowhead this summer have  filed a lawsuit against the facility and its medical director alleging  “Narconon’s actions were grossly negligent, willful, wanton and reckless resulting in the suffering and death of Stacy Murphy, the plaintiff’s daughter.”The suit also alleges Narconon and ABLE acted together in concert to “tortuously operate a dangerous, unsafe an unsupervised drug and alcohol rehabilitation program.

Narconon Arrowhead
Narconon Arrowhead
”Narconon Arrowhead is a nonprofit drug and alcohol rehabilitation center at Canadian which has been the center of an ongoing investigation after the deaths of four patients. Three of the deaths occurred at the facility in the last year.
Robert Murphy and Tonya White, parents of 20-year-old Stacy Dawn Murphy of Owasso, seek damages in excess of $75,000 from Narconon Arrowhead, Narconon International, the Association for Better Living and Education International and Dr. Gerald Wootan.
The lawsuit alleges that “Narconon’s actions were grossly negligent, willful, wanton and reckless resulting in the suffering and death of Stacy Murphy, the plaintiff’s daughter.”
The suit also alleges Narconon and ABLE acted together in concert to “tortuously operate a dangerous, unsafe an unsupervised drug and alcohol rehabilitation program.” [continued@mcalesternews.com]

More on Narconon
Ripoff Report: Narconon
Wikipedia.org: Narconon
TippingPoint: Narconon

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